Monitoring the contribution of European grasslands to the conservation of soil biodiversity and ecosystem function under multiple global change stressors
18/12/2023 – 17/12/2026
Total grant
Approx. 1.7 mil. €
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Partners of the project
- Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville. Spanish National Research Council (IRNAS- CSIC), Seville, Spain
- Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA), Madrid, Spain
- German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle- Jena-Leipzig, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
- Agroecology and Environment, Agroscope, Zürich, Switzerland
- Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, INRAE, Beaucouzé, France
- Department of Life Sciences. Centre for Functional Ecology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
- Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Spanish National Research Council. (ICA-CSIC), Madrid, Spain
- Fundación Global Nature, Fuentes de Nava, Spain

Natural grasslands and cereal fields play a fundamental role in supporting biodiversity conservation and sustainable food production. They provide multiple ecosystem services, but also involve significant trade-offs (e.g. food production vs. soil carbon sequestration). Yet, unlike aboveground plants and animals, the capacity of European protected areas to conserve plant and soil microbial diversity and ecosystem services in natural grasslands under global environmental changes is virtually unknown. Moreover, we know very little about how cereal fields will respond to multiple co-occurring global change stressors, such as drought, pesticides and over-fertilisation, which are threatening the conservation of soil biodiversity and function as well as food production.
Main objectives
GRASS4FUN will combine European-wide observational and experimental approaches to meet four research objectives. Objectives 1 & 2 will evaluate whether protected areas promote soil biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services in European natural grasslands, and will additionally monitor the microbial diversity and function in cereal fields. In Objectives 3 & 4, GRASS4FUN will further investigate whether multiple global change stressors impact the microbiome and function of European natural grasslands and cereal fields.
Main activities
We will conduct a European-level survey across grasslands’ triplets with different land-use intensities (from protected and unprotected natural grasslands to maize and wheat fields). The sampling in cereal fields will support the monitoring that the Global Crop Microbiome Initiative started in these sites 3-5 years ago. We will further combine the modelling and mapping of soil biodiversity and function across climate and land cover change scenarios with a manipulative study using microcosms subjected to multiple global change stressors.