Are you interested in the international cooperation and the development of biodiversity monitoring across Europe?
The Finnish Environment Institute, Syke is hiring a planner for 5-years position to support Biodiversa+, and most notably its biodiversity monitoring activities. The position will give you a great viewpoint to the fast-developing European biodiversity monitoring landscape and a possibility to collaborate with diverse international networks in the science-policy interface.
As a planner, you will work in the Biodiversa+ Operational Team with a special role as the biodiversity monitoring officer. You will follow how the biodiversity monitoring schemes are organised across Europe (by the ministries of the environment/ environmental protection agencies), and synthesise this information to get a comprehensive overview of the current monitoring as well as the gaps of the biodiversity monitoring schemes. The ultimate aim of this work stream is to establish a harmonised European trans-national network of national biodiversity monitoring schemes.
Interested and want to know more? Discover the full job description and apply before 31/10/2023!