The start of Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership marks the launch of the Biodiversa+ first Joint Call for transnational research projects on ‘Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea’.
45 Funding Organisations from 33 countries are joining this call and have reserved – together with the European Commission – a total amount of over 40M€.
The call will cover the following three non-exclusive themes:
- Knowledge for identifying priority conservation areas, establishing effective and resilient ecological networks, enhancing species-based protection, and preserving genetic diversity
- Multiple benefits and costs of biodiversity and ecosystem protection: synergies and trade-offs
- Effective management and equitable governance to deliver bold conservation outcome
Research teams will be invited to form transnational research consortia with eligible partners from minimum 3 countries participating in the call (including minimum two from EU Member States or EU Associated Countries).
A two-step process will apply, with a mandatory submission of pre-proposals at the first step and submission of full proposals at the second step, via an Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS). The link to the EPSS will be available soon on the BiodivERsA website.
- Launch of the call: Friday 01 October 2021
- Deadline for pre-proposals submission (mandatory): Tuesday 30 November 2021, 15:00 CET (local time in Brussels)
- Deadline for full-proposals submission: Thursday 14 April 2022, 15:00 CEST (local time in Brussels)
- BiodivERsA website
- Register for our information webinar to be held on the 12 October 2021 from 11:00 to 12:30 CEST