Pre-Announcement of the 2012-2013 Call for Proposals

on “Invasive Species and Biological Invasions“ with a focus on alien invasive species Forthcoming BiodivERsA Pan-European call for research proposals on: “Invasive Species and Biological Invasions” Following the yearly update of their common agenda to support European biodiversity research, the BiodivERsA partners have decided to launch their fourth joint call for research proposals on “Invasive…

Results from the 2011-2012 call for proposals

9 projects to be funded for 8.5M Euros BiodivERsA launched in November 2011 its third joint call on “Biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience of ecosystems.” This call addressed a topic at the forefront of the biodiversity field, and was organised around the three following themes: Developing integrated biodiversity scenarios Understanding…