BiodivERsA is very happy to announce the release of two new animated videos presenting the results of two projects: SPONFOREST and ENABLE!
Both projects were funded under the 2015-2016 COFUND Call on “Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of soils and sediments, and land- river and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities)”.
The ENABLE project investigated the factors that influence the realisation of green and blue infrastructure potential for a better living environment in cities. Focusing on the role of infrastructures, institutions, and perceptions, ENABLE used social and environmental justice together with resilience to assess the generation and distribution of ecosystem service benefits. The framework, developed by the researchers in consultation and collaboration with local stakeholders, was tested and applied in multiple European cities and offer a new baseline for understanding and unlocking green and blue infrastructure potential in urban areas.
Researchers from the SPONFOREST project have studied spontaneous forest regrowth in abandoned European farmland areas to evaluate its potential for creating diverse and resilient forests. Examining five representative landscapes in southwestern Europe, they have shown that new forests can generate rapidly and offer important ecosystem services. Their findings showcase that spontaneous forest regrowth can be a credible and effective option for restoring healty and diverse forests in Europe, thereby complementing active tree planting and other land use options.
The Prize, awarded on a yearly basis since 2018, gives the opportunity to the winners to present their work in an animated video as part of the BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact. This prize acknowledges the excellent, pioneering research performed in BiodivERsA-funded projects and showcases the achievements of projects that have produced excellent science with concrete impacts for policy and/or society.
To this date, 4 projects had already won the prize: the URBES project (1st edition), the BUFFER project (2nd edition), the INVAXEN project (3rd edition), and the TALE project (4th edition).All videos can be watched on the BiodivERsA YouTube channel.
The Belgian Biodiversity Platform & BiodivERsA led the production of this video, along with the SPONFOREST and the ENABLE project researchers and the video production company, Squarefish.