Using inputs from BiodivERsA partners, the JNCC prepared guidance on best practice in stakeholder engagement in April 2012, as a contribution to the ongoing development of the BiodivERsA partnership’s approach to enabling effective pan-European biodiversity research (further information can be found in the Executive Summary to Stakeholder Engagement Guidance). The guidance is intended to be a support tool for research teams that are developing an application for funding from BiodivERsA and for those that have been granted funding and are undertaking a project. The guidance is still in its draft stages, and therefore is not yet available for circulation.
BiodivERsA is exploring how to promote innovation and research impact, including using criteria on stakeholder engagement approaches in its funding application evaluation process; the guidance will help in developing the draft criteria.
The workshop aims to gather experience on stakeholder engagement from BiodivERsA funded projects and to both test and develop the draft guidance. The workshop will also explore how research teams develop their understanding of the policy relevance of their research concepts. The implications for researchers are strong since the workshop’s outputs will feed the future BiodivERsA call texts and evaluation procedures. Further details on the workshop are available on the JNCC Biodiversa web page.
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