To foster a coherent vision for the setting of priorities in biodiversity research, as well as to avoid wasteful overlaps in project content, BiodivERsA has established a common strategic agenda to support research.
This agenda is built upon existing research and biodiversity strategies and priorities (at agency, national and international levels) allowing the identification of common thematic priorities among BiodivERsA partners. This agenda will be updated yearly in order to ensure that BiodivERsA thematic priorities are most up-to-date and faithful to the pressing issues of the fast-evolving European biodiversity research landscape.
The thematic priorities identified in 2011 by BiodivERsA partners are described below. These topics are divided into two groups of priority, but topics in the same group are deemed of equal priority.
– Priority group:
- Alien and native species (2012-2013 call, completed: 10 countries, 8,9M€)
- Understanding the origin and loss of biodiversity
- Biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points, and improving resilience (2011-2012 call, completed: 11 countries, 8.8M€)
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and their valuation (2010-2011 call, completed: 8 countries, 8.5M€)
– High interest group:
- Open call for early career biodiversity researchers (as part of a thematic call)
- Biodiversity and improvement of habitats connectivity, functioning green infrastructure, diversifying landscapes
- Biodiversity and climate change
- Management of conflicts between sectors and stakeholders and at various levels for biodiversity (legislative practice, management practice, legal rights issues, and limitations in management systems with regard to biodiversity)