The Executive Board (EB) is the Biodiversa+ operational management body including the Chairs Team, the work package leaders and two members of the Biodiversa+ General Assembly elected for three and a half years.
It has a key role between meetings of the General Assembly. It assesses the progress of work, ensures quality control, and regularly monitors the good implementation of General Assembly decisions.
The executive board is composed of:
- The Chairs Team
- WP1: ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France
- WP2: MoE FI, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
- WP3 Leader: MUR, Ministry of Universities and Research, Italy
- WP3 co-Leader: IFD, Innovation Fund Denmark, Denmark
- WP4 Leader: SEPA, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden
- WP4 co-Leader: SAS, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
- WP5 Leader: LNV, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality, The Netherlands
- WP5 co-Leader: VDI/VDE-IT, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH, Germany
- WP6 Leader: FRB, Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité, France
- WP7 Leader: NKFIH, Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal, Hungary
- 2 General Assembly representatives:
- TA CR, Technologicka Agentura Ceske Republiky, Czech Republic
- NCN, Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Poland